Twin Set SpA
BP Architects
BP Architects, Reggio Emilia
Aghito Zambonini SpA, Fiorenzuola d'Arda (PC)
Scai Tech/Studio Cattivelli took part in this project for the consulting about the engineering of the architectural project and for turning it in an executive project, characterized by very high-performing details. It has an extremely accurate specification, which has to guarantee the realization of a building envelope equipped with the best comfort and the best energy efficiency.
The architectural project is characterized by vertical sunscreen installed above the façade’s mullions. These can give a strong print of duality to the building: the lightness and the transparency of the front-view glass, as opposed to the materiality of the sunscreens’ copper, particularly clear in an angle of the view and accentuated by the slinky evolution of the façade’s tapes.
To offer a static resistance adapted to the twisting force generated by the wind against the sunscreens, a custom aluminium profile has been studied, without the use of steel reinforcements.
The structural elements’ definition, according to the architectural space required, is the result of FEM checks and of simulations about the seismic movements of the envelope, and about the prefabricated garrets’ movements in the long term.
The façade’s system used, is composed of Shuco FW60 +SG, in a customised version, which has studied for the AZA Spa builder. It is equipped with openable protruding structures (which are customised Shuco AWS 114.SI) and with double insulating glasses (state-of-the-art), with these characteristics: Ug=0,5 W/m2K (EN 673) and solar control g=27% (EN 410).
As in the specification, 2 mock-up in actual size of a façade’s part (3 metres wide and 6 metres high) have been predisposed. They have measures equivalent to 3 modules of the upper floor.
The visual mock-up let the designers and the contract development, choosing the different combinations of the visual and spandrel stratigraphy, also verifying the visual effect of the sunscreens’ louvers and their nocturnal illumination.
All of the proves related to the air-tightness, to the water-tightness, to the acoustic, to the thermal and mechanical performances (verified in a certificated laboratory before the laying in the building site) have been done on the performance mock-up.
Another prove has been done in Bellaria’s Giordano Institute, to verify the resistance of the composed material used for the covering of the sunscreen louvers, against the hail (according to the UNI 10890 : 2000 norm).
The closeness of the Highway, moreover, has required the use of high-performance parameters about the sound’s insulation.
The façade’s acoustic abatement (verified “on-site” after the end of the works) has showed values between the 45 and the 48 dB, according to the facades’ different expositions, with performances significantly superior than the 42 dB (as required in the norm).
The façade in the internal side of the offices’ new building (about 7 metres high, above the shed covering) has an envelope with “dry” technology, with horizontal “sandwich” panels (in Trimoterm type) mounted on a vertical steel mullions’ substructure, alternated with continuous tapes of aluminium hardware, in thermal-cutting Shuco AWS 75 SI.
The wall’s stratigraphy is composed of:
- Panels 15 centimetres thick, with EI 120’ fire resistance in painted RaI 9006 steel sheet, with internal insulation in stone wool.
- A central layer 15 centimetres thick, with boxes in galvanised sheet, insulated with stone wool and mounted between the structural mullions.
- An internal plaster counterpart with double-slab and a “vapour” insulated barrier.