Scai Tech Glass – Studio Cattivelli
4 May 2019
North entrance of Aosta’s University – Construction project and BIM
21 December 2020Engineering:
Ing. Fausto Cattivelli
The current Architecture, ever more advanced, requires for applications in the maximum transparency possible and in more articulated forms. By now, often the projects, with a strong content of images, present curved forms for the envelopes’ surfaces. The solutions that can realize these objectives, using bearing beams in glass, are not so simple; either the newest techniques now present in the Market.
If we consider the extension of the seismic regulations, all around the international territory, and if we consider that they don’t treat the glass as a possible material in the bearing structures, we can understand that these types of engineering, required in these types of solutions, are in top quality.
The Studio Cattivelli has designed and patented the innovative Scai Tech System, which allows:
- The ease of installation through inclined cables, posed along inclined lines in the verticals, which are contained into the curved surface of the façade (rigging of the surfaces).
- The maintaining of the general security and of its application in a seismic area for the presence of suspension cables.
- Inclusion of horizontally curved beams evolved along the layer’s lines of the shell’s surface.
- The use of external and horizontally beams, also characterized for the use in other functions, as in blind systems and as in the walkways for maintenance.
- Reversible system with possible internal horizontally glass beams, as transparent terminal dues of the garrets.
- With this system, there aren’t specific limits of the façade’s height, so they can also arrive to several decades of metres high, as well as the width’s dimensions. There are main bearing systems every about 15 metres.
- Layer’s inclusions are possible, with specific architectural patterns, for being inserted into the horizontally beams, for bringing out the blind system’s effect, moreover artificial light lines are applicable for the nocturnal architectural illumination.
The horizontally beams in glass, contribute to the dynamism of the building’s architecture. They are in variable sections in relation with the maximum stress of the several sections, or in relation with the architectural demand.
The gauges and the possible curved forms, are really varied and they are achievable, in containing costs, just with the Scai Tech System.
The wall slabs, generally flat, but also polygonal along the layer’s theoretical line, are easily used by the inclined cables (that are the function of facades’ tracking).
Another interesting aspect of the System, is the little pre-tension required. It is necessary just against the cables’ stretches. This is a real counter-trend compared with the tensile structures that can be found in the current Market. In fact, they require for several tonnes of weight for each cable, against the perpendicular strengths.