Pala Oval – Turin (Italy)

Hospital – Fiorenzuola
4 May 2019

Oval Lingotto – Comune di Torino


Studio Zoppini Associati - HOK SVE Ltd


Studio Zoppini Associati, Milano

Facade builder:

Tosoni SpA

The “oval” sporting palace has been realized for the ice-skating on the Winter Olympics 2006, in Torino (Italy).
This building has big dimensions and it has been projected for sustaining, technically and functionally, the future ductility, so it has been studied for the retraining of an industrial and peripheral degraded area.
The covering, made up of tubular steel membrane with free lightning between the supports (100 metres wide), is an element in a simple and asymmetric form, with a uniform curvature, from the east to the west.
A special attention has been used with the materials, chosen by their function and their maintenance’s containment.
The northern and the southern facades, are completely in glass: the first has a curvilinear evolution, characterized by steel “fins” with an aluminium coating in variable inclinations; the glass slabs fixed to them, are captive with a special type of connection that permits the compensation of the not-coplanar main surface.

Slabs in glass (stratified, tempered and DecorFlou laminated with milky-white foil) are “put up” to a steel structure along the lateral facades, through a mounting system, composed by special “patella” fixed to the drilled glasses and by dimensioned clasps, that sustains the slabs’ weight and the wind pressure.
Along the east side, the regularity and the linearity of the satin glass, are interrupted by 3 objects (“the Pods”) sited at the first floor, with a titanium zinc coating and with big scales Rheinzink pre-slick executive in dark pickling. This is a resistant material, which is particular for its aspect’s change in the long term.
The entrance’s elements are realized in bearing monolithic glass 19 millimetres thick. The connections between the glazed slabs are realized with staffs and stainless steel bolts.