New 3M Headquarters – Pioltello – Milan


3M Italia srl, Pioltello (MI)


Mario Cucinella Architects srl, Bologna


Iniziative Immobiliari 3 srl, Milano

Facade builder:

Teleya, Calerno (RE)

The building is a part of the Masterplan’s area, completed by MCA in 2005.
It is a linear structure, terraced, 105 metres long and 21 metres wide, in variable heights, between 2 or 5 floors.
Its form and its orientation are optimal and permit an efficient environmental control: the northern, the eastern and the western facades, are projected with glasses and particular systems of the shading sunscreens.
The southern part has been designed with a series of terraces which offers shaded spaces. The terraces are also used as an environmental buffer, which protects against the extreme climate changes, during the summer and the winter.

The environmental analysis has carried to the choice of “active” solutions about the roof and the facades.
There are PV panels, which produce the energy and, moreover, which give a technological appearance to the building.
In the project, particular attention has been used for the energy consumption’s containment, in all of the seasons; it has been done using eco-friendly materials and using advanced leading technologies (according to the energy norms, in summer or in winter, as descripted in the 311 DM).