Multifunctional sport structure – Parma (Italy)


Amministrazione comunale di Parma


Arch. Contini Marco


Arch. Contini Marco, Torrechiara (PR)


Schüco International Italia, Padova

The project proving for a structure with a very lowered arch, composed of lamellar wood and it is longitudinally lied for covering the full length light, 85 metres high. The arches with 3 hinges (5 totally), arranged in parallel, rest on the edges (using metallic plates) and on reinforced concrete baffles, connected to each other by a big reinforced foundation (for handling the horizontal and the vertical structure’s loads).
The arches are stabled to each other using an orthogonal secondary structure, made by little lamellar wooden beams. On this structure, the covering “package” is leaned, composed of: a bearing panel (in lamellar wood), an insulation layer (in mineral wood), the sheath and, finally, a plate (in pre-painted aluminium) as external surface. The 2 big glazing walls, which define the longitudinal parts of the building, are been accurately studied, starting from the constructive particulars set up by Fausto Cattivelli Engineer (as facades’ consultant).

These 2 big glazing walls are made by an aluminium structure, with mullions in the measure of 105*60 millimetres and 110*60 millimetres, attached to mullions in lamellar wood, located on the outside and 2,5 metres-distant to each other. The aluminium structure has slabs in glass (in the measure of 250*25 centimetres) transparent up to a height of 3,75 metres for all the building’s perimeter long; while they are opaque in the superior altitudes (insulating glass with a wool layer of filter glass within) to reduce the solar dazzle and the solar irradiation, and to obtain, at the same time, a nice effect owned to the light’s diffusion.
The glazing surface’s variation and, especially, its “bellows-sealed” placement (in addition to being optimal for the sporting activities in the inner structure and in addition to permit a constant view of the outside) introduce minimal articulations (but perceptible) in the prospectus.