Pohl Immobilien, Laces (BZ)
Arch. Bampi Zeno - Ing. Siegfried Pohl
Studio Pohl+Partner, Laces (BZ)
Kaser srl, Bressanone (BZ)
In this project, there are continuous facades, integrated with PV panels, which have the objective of realizing a self-sustaining building, using the solar energy and using the connection with the Enel power grid (for the economic recovery of the extra-production). Analysis of the several, buffering, (opaque or semi-transparent) models, have been done for the optimisation of the buffering costs and for the profitability, with also the comparison of different Pv types, in monocrystalline amorphous silicon.
It has used the façade’s energy-efficient system. The Studio Cattivelli’s activities, focused on the work-supervision’s assistance (about the several facades), and, then, it has been the Expert Witness in the ATP process for the investigations about some “non-conformities” products used by the manufacturer.