Consultancy for legal proceedings and settlement acts
4 May 2019
Laboratory test – CE mark
4 May 2019The Studio Cattivelli/Scai Tech deals with the quality control and the verification of the specifications planned in the Tender, about works in laying step, till the works’ functional testing.
For this intention, our Studio take part in the activities before the laying, in the Tender’s draft, which provide for the performance classes, prescribe a check-list of the several control activities during the steps “in-site”.
The laying is known to be a critical activity that can compromise the result, so it is essential using control with the executed works to guarantee the performances required by the UNI EN ISO 13830 norm, with a particular reference to the environmental reactions, to the seismic deformations and to the thermal and acoustic bridges’ removal.
With the contribution of notified laboratories about the release of documents (as provided for, in the norm), tests on the several works are coordinated.
In the project, Scai Tech analyses the more appropriate techniques and the best choices for the façade’s system, according to the architectural composition, the building’s size and the building’s height, and the laying timing, using, when the site’s economy requires for them, more industrialised techniques by the use of “Unitised Facades” and specific Method Statement.