Bar Branca – Milan


Fratelli Branca Distillerie srl, Milano


Ing. Giovanni Merighi, Milano




Teleya, Calerno (RE)

The project has been realized in the context of the recovery’s intervention of the Torre Bianca (White Tower) and it is sited in the Sempione’s park (Milan), above the tower projected from Giò Ponti, in 1933. The main characteristic of the new structure, is the 316L stainless steel carpentry, on which the glasses with the energy control are hung, through articulated pointed joints.
The structure’s articulated joints are realized in the factory through space-related elements, united with semi-automatic welds perfectly realized and made according to the norm’s certifications.

The glasses are stratified and tempered with the special HTS process; the external slab is in the low-emissive type; the glasses are also sized to permit the passage for maintenance, and for the loads, under the Law.
Special automated openable parts, have been created with a frame in rubber grey extruded and thin, to be not visible. The entrance’s doors are sustained by a portal completely composed in structural and shaped glass.