Net Center – Padova (Italy)

Vatican museum – Rome
4 May 2019
Terminal T3 – Fiumicino Airport – Rome
4 May 2019

Net Center


Aurelio Galfetti


Somec Marine & Architectural Envelopes srl


Somec SpA, San Vendemiano (TV)

The multifunctional Net Centre’s complex, sited in Parma (Italy), is composed of several buildings, which arise on the sidelines of a big pedestrian square.
The Studio Cattivelli’s activity was about the realization of the wide facades, up in the air with the use of structures in glass (17 metres high) situated at the edges of a long gallery (that is part of one of the complex’ buildings) through the deployment of the particulars’ drawings about the production; the analysis of the control system about the façade’s system deformations and about the analysis of the stress; control of the production and the laying steps.
For the realization of these facades, with a bearing structure in glass (among the biggest in Europe), the traditional solutions with steel mullions has not been used. It has used a bearing structure with blades in glass for sustaining the façade and to obtain the highest lightning in the inside of the gallery, and to obtain the minimum visual impact of the structures.

The use of beams in bearing glass (at a height of 17 metres) composed of 5 overlapped and monolithic slabs (19 millimetres thick), is the main characteristic of the façade’s system. The slabs are united to each other at the horizontal warping of the façade, with the use of elegant and stainless steel accessories, fixed up in the slabs’ holes.
Other holes have been used to insert additional metallic fasteners, necessary for the apposition of the panels in the façade’s structural glass.
Rigid productive controls and post-breakup analysis, have been implemented to guarantee the security of those who use the complex.